Friday, January 9, 2015

ken singleton - 16

Here we have yet another dull pose.  I hate these cards where the bat is coming at you like some freakish missle.  If this card were in 3-D, perhaps it would be interesting.

There are many shots of Shea Stadium in this set and despite the cool looking light tower in the backgroung, this is not a great shot.  There seems to be a guy in the background.  What is he doing?  Maybe having long toss?  Kind of looks like a dance move.

Singleton was a good player and had his best years in Baltimore toward the end of the decade.

Singleton was not in too many great cards over the years.  I believe the 1978 was the best - the 1983 was OK as well.  The 1975 was also good considering it was a head shot.

1 comment:

  1. I think the guy in the background is taking a dump on home plate.
